Contact Us

Opening hours

Our hours are Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm (excluding bank holidays) and aim to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours.

To help us answer you as quickly as possible, please include your order number in all correspondence.

We thank you in advance for your patience. It can get very busy in the summer months for our small team and it may take longer to respond.

Visiting the studio

We are a busy working studio, especially in the summer. We love having people in to try items but we have limited time to spend with each person.

Click on our 'Try Before You Buy' service to book in your 30 minute time slot. This service is completely free but we do ask if your appointment needs to be cancelled or amended that you give us as much notice as possible.

We also offer consultation services if you want to discuss your custom or bespoke pieces with the design team. Either book your studio visit for a custom consultation or you can go one step further if you're looking for something more bespoke. This service can be done via video call or in person. 

Contact details

Address: 16, Grosvenor Avenue, Newquay, TR7 1BQ
